Citaten en aforismen [NL]

Dit is een allegaartje van resonerende citaten, aforismen, bon mots, adages, spreekwoorden, uitdrukkingen, heuristieken, axioma’s, paradigma’s en extracten die ik tegenkwam en belangrijk genoeg achtte om hier op te schrijven.

Dieu me pardonnera, c’est son métier. ~ Heinrich Heine

‘A cynic’ is what an idealist calls an realist.

Die dosis macht das gift.

Wer nicht denken will, fliegt raus. ~ Joseph Beuys

Si tous les dégoutés s’en vont, il n’y a que les dégoutants qui restent.

Traduire, c’est trahir.

A winner is just a loser who tried one more time. ~ George M. Moore Jr.

L’amour est un ideal, mais j’suis un idealiste. ~ Romeo Elvis - Soleil @ 1:23

Vaut mieux vivre avec des remords qu’avec des regrets. ~ Bigflo & Oli - Dommage @ 3:09

Wat nut heeft is mooi, wat mooi is heeft nut.’ Daarom is een sleepboot mooier dan een luxejacht, daarom is een goed ontworpen gebruiksvoorwerp mooier dan een kunstwerk. ~ Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer - Brieven uit Genua

Qui sine peccato est, primus lapidem mittat - Wie zonder zonde is, werpe de eerste steen.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. ~ Plato

Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Hard Battle. ~ John Watson (Ian Maclaren)

Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake.

There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen. ~ Vladimir Ilich Lenin

Wie spot met zichzelf wordt meer vertrouwd dan de kloot die zich heeft vastgeklonken aan zijn eigen ernst.

Wie onder geschenken wordt bedolven, verleert de kunst van de dankbaarheid.

The law of revealed preferences: what people actually spend their time doing is a better indicator of their values than what they say they want.

The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching. ~ John Wooden

Not all people will like you, you don’t even like all people.

My ability to form a conclusion is impeded by a complete lack of understanding of what I am doing.

Parkinson’s law: the adage that “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion”.

Wirth’s law: an adage on computer performance which states that software is getting slower more rapidly than hardware is becoming faster.

Hanlon’s Razor: never ascribe to malice that which can be ascribed to ignorance or stupidity.

Cunningham’s law: the best way to get an answer to a question is to answer it wrongly yourself, and wait for someone to correct you.

The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum - even encourage the more critical and dissident views. ~ Noam Chomsky

Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~ Mark Twain

I’m “still afraid to use spaces in file names” years old.

You were so preoccupied with whether or not you could, you didn’t stop to think if you should.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.

The Road to Tyranny Is Paved With Good Intentions.

No plan survives first contact with the enemy. ~ Helmuth von Moltke *1800 ✝1891 - Prussian military commander

All models are wrong, some are useful.